What is Deep Puddles?

and why is it under construction?

Long story short, Deep Puddles is a story set in a reworked/heavily inspired by Warrior Cats world that i have been working on as a personal project. The characters and story started a a what if the medicine cat was murderous and spiraled from there into moderen Deep Puddles.

Long(er) story i was messing around on picrew while thinking about warrior cats. i thought about the fact that there are no evil medicine cats in warriors(or atleast not properly evil for people to talk about it.) So i made a picrew for the concept while I was there. This was a terrible decision.

So i made a doc of allegiences (A massive W.I.P) and started the story as well. Lochspring the initial character that sparked this was in concept very sneaky and hard to track. She hid everything that could point to her very well. Bc i was majorly uncomfy with some things in warriors and also learning how f-ed up the series is i changed a lot of language and names for things, notably I will refer to Lochspring as a nymph from here on out.

So i reworked the River Guild(Riverclan) to be very close knit so the concept of someone commiting such heinous crimes like murder are wild to them. The way this is expressed changed from conception to modern day but the inital death that sets off the rest of the story is seen as a massive scandal within the guild.

While on the subject of murder and death a list of triggers will be provided at the end of this page (It will also be provided on THE WORLD page) please read those before continuing to other pages. i will assume you know the content that will/can be discussed(on some pages for example THE STARS) and some of it can be triggering. Please be aware of this and keep yourself safe

Important names and terms

The names of the clans have completley changed for several reasons. They now go by The River Guild, Thunders, The Plains Guard, and The Shadow Fellowship Leaders are no longer reffered to as _star* and instead are reffered to by titles relevant to the group and their culture. The leader of the River Guild, for example, is reffered to as Star Swimmer Eelgaze.

New ranks

  • (All groups) Messengers
  • Moonchaser and Siren
  • Crafter
  • Star Reader
  • Sunchaser

Changed names

  • Queens have now changed to guardians, this refers to any cat caring for children. Although queen is still used to refer to mollies(She-cats) with kits
  • Medicine cat it not used at all. Each group has a unique name to refer to their healers. They're called nymphs, druids, preists, and weaver( seer is also used).
  • _star is no longer a thing*. As stated earlier the guild calls their leader star swimmers, thunders say star as a title, plains guard calls them Constellations(A specific constellation can be used as a title however it is not very common to.) the fellowship refers to them with moon as a title.
  • *I have it written so the plainsguard uses it sparingly for ceremonies however, I might remove this.

I included important changes here however, there are many more that I will simply leave to the story to describe, for example what the different ranks do. Some of these will be further explained in the world page and some in the stars but that will depend.

Trigger Warnings

This section is very important, please read it in its entirety.

Deep Puddles is, if I had to give it a rating, a Teen-YA work. it discusses a lot of heavy topics, all topics will be listed uncensored. I am be extra careful and including anything that could be slightly triggering so people are aware of what is in the story

If I do not say it is only discussed or referenced, please assume it is explicity in the story in some way

Warning this work will contain/discuss

  • Murder
  • Child Murder and Child endangerment
  • Miscarrige
  • Death during childbirth
  • Sexual Assault(discussed/refrenced only)
  • Sexual Assault of a minor(discussed/refrenced
  • Incest(discussed/refrenced)
  • Grooming(Discussed, for now)
  • Violence
  • Political violene
  • Religous violence(Discussed, for now)
  • Misogony
  • Sexism
  • Transphobia(mild mentions)
  • Homophobia(again, mild mentions)
  • Suicide and Suicidal thoughts(Discussed, for now)

This list is not exhaustive as these can change, some say discussed for now because I might write parts of the story that explicity go into the subject matter. This list may have items added or removed so please keep an eye on this and THE WORLD page as both will have this list of triggers